
Saturn's main function is to form a person's inner core. A Saturnian is characterized by a clear sense of purpose. Saturn gives reliability, independence and detachment.


In the mythology of ancient Rome Saturn is one of the most ancient gods. A variant interpretation of Saturn as the patron of sowing and seed, is connected etymologically with the root "sat" (to sow).

About the third century B.C. Saturn began to be identified with Kronos or Chronos, Time. It was also interpreted as a seed, returning to the soil that produced it.

Saturn was revered as the divinity of the golden age. He taught people about farming, viticulture and civilized life. In many cultures Saturn was associated with the passage of time. His rhythm was aimed at the strict management of Time.

In the Avestan tradition, Saturn is called Keyvan, which means "Lord of Time," "Lord of the past." He symbolizes the storage and use of the best, that has been accumulated in the past, bringing back the best traditions.

Saturn helps to understand what a person has lost and what he needs to recover, what goal to strive for, and what true values are.
