
Manifestations of the sun are activity, brightness, openness, inner stability, vitality, integrity, independence, pride, creative force, artistry, generosity. The Sun expresses a person's individuality, points to the ability to lead and success. The Sun is a holiday, a joy. The Sun is the power of creativity.


In the Avesta, the Sun is called Hvarshat, It also corresponds to the ancient Divinity of the Indo-Iranian pantheon, Mitra, to whom are dedicated hymns in the Avesta and Rigveda. Hvarshat symbolizes the element of Fire, the outward manifestation of man, unites people and determines the life of society.

The Avesta emphasizes the function of Hvarshat, as the divider of good and evil, truth and falsehood. Hvarshat - the giver of life energy, patron and protector of children. The followers of Zarathushtra worship Hvarshat, as the all-seeing eye of Hormazd, God.

In the tradition of Avesta, the Sun also corresponds to the Archangel Amertat. This is the Solar Archangel, the lord and protector of plants. Plants absorb sunlight, and then, through photosynthesis, they produce oxygen, without which man cannot exist. Plants are the guardians of life.

Amertat endows man with the gift of creativity. In addition, the Solar Archangel is associated with love, joy and purifying laugh. His protection bestowed upon a person is youthfulness and longevity.

Dazhdbog is one of the main gods in Slavic mythology, God of the Sun and his personification, God of fertility and sunlight.

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Helios is the God of the Sun. In later antiquity Helios was identified with the Olympic God Apollo, the patron saint of heroes, healers, oracles, shepherds, singers and musicians.

The ancient Egyptian Sun God Ra, after defeating the forces of darkness, commanded by his word to shine the light out of the lotus flower.

The mythological context is far more expansive, than the examples given above. Read, use search engines. A random search may give interesting information for inclusion.
