Numerology is a belief system that assigns symbolic meanings to numbers and their relationships.
Numbers are applicable to any phenomenon in the world.
They are more primary than the planets and zodiac and contain more levels of information. Each number has many different symbolisms, including a connection to planets.
Each letter of any alphabet corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9, which allows to calculate the numerical code of the name. The letters are arranged in order in a table, called the planetary alphabet system.
By writing a planetary code, you can calculate the number of the name and its corresponding planet.
To determine the number of the name it is necessary to calculate the sum of all the numbers that make up the planetary code. The numbers are added until you get a simple number from 1 to 9, which will indicate the planet governing the name.
If the number 10 is obtained by adding an even number, for example - 28, 46, 64, the final planet is Pluto, associated with the number 10. If the two-digit number resulting from the addition is odd, for example - 19 or 37, then the final planet of the name is the Sun - the number 1. Number 11, which is formed by adding a two-digit odd number, such as 29 or 47, corresponds to the planet Proserpine. If 11 is formed by adding a two-digit even number, such as 38 or 56, 1 plus 1 adds up to 2. The number 2 refers to the Moon. The planet Chiron rules the name if the number 33 is added to it. Besides there is an influence of the planet Vulcan, to which corresponds the number 22. Numbers 22 and 33 are not reduced at numerological addition.
Planetary Alphabet System
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
1 | Sun | A | J | S |
2 | Moon | B | K | T |
3 | Mars | C | L | U |
4 | Mercury | D | M | V |
5 | Jupiter | E | N | W |
6 | Venus | F | O | X |
7 | Saturn | G | P | Y |
8 | Uranus | H | Q | Z |
9 | Neptune | I | R |
Suppose the man's name is Alexander, and his family and friends call him Alex.
Let's calculate the total numbers.
The planets will turn on depending on the situation and how a person calls himself under different circumstances.
Symbolism of Planets
Abbreviated and complementary names provide an opportunity to add variety to people's lives. It is possible to have several variations. When a man has only one name, it's harder for him or her to be different in different circumstances. Abbreviated names allow one to reveal the secret sides of destiny. A diminutive name doesn't have to be an abbreviation of a personal name, it can have completely different letters and sound.
A person can take additional names, which allows to correct the fate or manifest differently in certain aspects of life.
For example, Alex on the Internet calls himself Jack.
Planetary Code
J | A | C | K |
1 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
Sun | Sun | Mars | Moon |
J | 1 | Sun |
A | 1 | Sun |
C | 3 | Mars |
K | 2 | Moon |
The influence of the planets can also be negative,
sometimes it is enough to change the name or
add a new one to correct the fate.
Of course, if the person is satisfied with everything,
it is not necessary to do this.
The planets influence on all levels,
both on the event level and on the personality level,
so call yourself whatever you like
and be happy!
The stars define but don't oblige.
There's always free choice.
"My name is Neo" The Matrix